And it is from the Celtic beliefs that much of our legendary material about the People of the Hills and their ways have come.
Celtic beliefs included the existence of river spirits and the need to appease them with sacrifices.
Many Graeco-Roman geographers tell about the Celtic belief in islands consecrated to gods and heroes.
These traditions still testify the ancient Celtic beliefs in an "Other World" located beyond the Sea.
According to Celtic belief wisdom increases with age and dark skinned supernatural beings are often powerful.
Long after the Romans conquered the Gauls, the Roman satirist Lucian wrote a satirical story about Celtic beliefs.
Certain elements of Illyrian, and Celtic beliefs have been found.
A fantasy adventure that incorporates many of the Celtic beliefs and magic, while at the same time, retains the flavour of a "real" thing.
Esotericist research by Gwilherm Berthou led to claims that ancient Celtic beliefs had been reconstructed.
Her fortune-telling grandmother and the Celtic magical beliefs in her native Jackson County heavily influenced her writing.