Lug is described in the Celtic myths as the last to be added to the list of deities.
The title song's theme, the "white boar", is inspired to an ancient Celtic myth.
Manannán appears in many Celtic myths and tales, although he only plays a prominent role in some of them.
But the Templars knew that Jesus was actually a Celtic myth.
According to older Celtic myths that circulated in this region, supernatural beings also haunted the moors.
The legend may combine Christian lore with a Celtic myth of a cauldron which has special powers.
I'm trying to do something like that with the older Celtic myths and the Irish folktales which have come to America.
An ancient Celtic myth explained the puzzle of creation through the story of Balor.
This may have resulted from the combination of the grail legend with earlier Celtic myths of magical cauldrons.
The mythology of the British Islands: an introduction to Celtic myth, legend, poetry and romance.