Fischer soon distinguished himself as the only Caucasian child that was hurling stones at the guards during recess.
Ross's sister Kate soon became the first Caucasian child born in Waco.
Ms. Irvin said, however, that she was "not always sure that people who adopt a Caucasian child from Russia understand the intercultural aspect."
Caucasian children had the lowest prevalence of myopia (4.4%), which was not significantly different from African Americans (6.6%).
During the 1960s, when some Virginia counties closed their public schools to avoid racial integration, compensatory private schooling was available only for Caucasian children.
Because to an American, a Japanese child seems less human than a Caucasian child.
Couples who badly wanted a child (perhaps a Caucasian child) were caught up in the rush.
In its previous incarnation, ringworm mainly affected Caucasian children and could be detected easily because the fungus that caused it fluoresced under ultraviolet light.
Asian children are often smaller than Caucasian children.
Test scores have shown to be improving for minority populations, however, they are improving at the same rate for Caucasian children as well.