The new party, however, managed to gather large portions of the Catholic vote in the south and centre.
And the Catholic vote splintered among the three candidates.
There are none left who believe the bishops can deliver the Catholic vote on this issue.
Democrats won 65-80% of the Catholic vote in most elections down to 1964, but since then have split about 50-50.
He used the priests of the diocese as a means of organising the Catholic vote.
The Democrats began losing their lock on the Catholic vote about 30 years ago, and now it is very much up for grabs.
Since 2000, Hudson's chief political activity has been to help organize the Catholic vote in support of conservative and Republican candidates.
Mr. Bush received just under half of the Catholic vote in 2000.
This chart shows the Democrat/Republican split of the Catholic vote in elections since 1948.
Should he balk, he would draw down upon himself a hostile Catholic vote at home.