Despite this distaste for the excesses of Catholic piety his record on toleration and the emancipation of Catholics was good.
Armella Nicolas or La bonne Armelle was a Breton serving-maid important in French popular Catholic piety.
His younger brother Robert inherited more of their mother's Catholic piety.
His disgust at her burgeoning Catholic piety and her guilt about the abortion from a previous affair led to their separation - but not before they had had a child.
Catholic piety is based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
For Christopher Howse, a Telegraph columnist, Castile in northern Spain remains a region of unsurpassed beauty and lingering Catholic piety.
Lech Wałęsa, who himself publicly displayed Catholic piety, confirmed the Pope's influence, saying: The Holy Father, through his meetings, demonstrated how numerous we were.
The main theme in much of her work was Catholic piety.
Worn out, and doubtless relieved, the queen retired to seek solace in Catholic piety, and her hunting dogs, as the king returned to the comforts of pretty young men.
After the radical Paris Commune of 1871, there was a resurgence of conservative Catholic piety, and the church decided to build a basilica to St. Martin.