In Irish history, Dhammaloka stands out as a figure who rejected both Catholic and Protestant orthodoxies.
They wanted to defend Catholic orthodoxy against the claims of early Reformers.
In 1892, a crisis of conscience renewed his faith in God, although he would not adhere to the extremes of Catholic orthodoxy.
Cardinal O'Connor is one of the key upholders of Catholic orthodoxy in the bishops conference.
Catholic orthodoxy was fully restored, with secondary schools entrusted to the Jesuits, divorce made illegal and church weddings compulsory.
It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms.
The journal took Catholic orthodoxy as received truth, treating religious writings with great respect.
His Catholic orthodoxy, if orthodoxy it were, savoured more of politics than religion.
Augustine, the chastened convert, now claimed to accept Catholic orthodoxy, and affirmed both.
Jansenist authors frequently criticized Calvinist theology in order to maintain their own Catholic orthodoxy.