Through waves of antagonism between Government and church leaders, the country's Catholic identity has survived almost unquestioned.
By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, however, Irish nationalism became increasingly tied to a Roman Catholic identity.
Saint Agnes has a long standing choral tradition that coincides with its Catholic identity.
The school prides itself in its Catholic identity.
The speeches emphasized the threat posed by the Protestant filibusters to the country's Catholic identity.
The natural scientists voiced their worries about a Catholic identity that was more comfortable with the humanities.
To disagree with a particular pope on a particular issue is one thing, but the papacy itself is "distinctive to Catholic identity," he said.
This honor roll recognizes those schools that best maintain high academic standards, uphold their Catholic identities, and prepare students to actively engage the world.
The institution maintains a strong Catholic identity but welcomes students from all backgrounds.
The college has a strong Catholic identity, and all pupils are required to wear uniform.