The stained glass windows, which feature 32 different shades of blue depict Catholic history from 1754 to 1843.
Five volumes have been published to date; together they present a narrative account of European and Catholic history from antiquity through the year 1815.
The Catholic history of Dallas began long before the formal creation of the diocese.
Catholic history traditionally imputes these persecutions to the Visigothic kings.
It is also a place where Guam's visitors embrace the island's rich Catholic history and identity.
However, he is frequently perceptive about the human need for mystery and the comparative neglect of the arts in recent Catholic history.
However, both still stand separately as vibrant churches of a richly Catholic history.
His masters thesis was on Catholic history.
These opinions enliven the tale while making it a less reliable guide to Catholic history and culture.
The town has a Roman Catholic history with missionaries.