He later moved again, to Mainz, where in 1851 he became priest to the German Catholic denomination.
Most of the nwe evangelical members come from the Presbyterian church, and from the historic Syrian Catholic denominations.
Proportionately, behind the people with a Roman Catholic denomination, 11.9% followed Islamic and 9.6% with Orthodox religion.
Despite its Catholic denomination, it is open to all religions.
Rev: (Reverend) used generally for members of the Christian clergy regardless of affiliation, but especially in Catholic denominations.
Buka Christianity, especially the Catholic denomination, has a strong tendency to assimilate indigenous and Christian beliefs.
In the 2011 census, 41.56% of the population identified as belonging to Protestant or other non-Roman Catholic Christian denominations.
In many Catholic denominations, both girls and boys reach the age spiritual maturity around the age of 13 or 14, with the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Greek Catholics worshipped in a rented house (two other Indian Catholic denominations also used the house for worship services).
Its inhabitants are mostly Christians, roughly split into the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic denominations.