The city is also a Roman Catholic religious center, as some Catholic believers say that the Virgin Mary appeared nearby a waterfall.
During the time when Dalian was Japan's leased territory, the activities for dedicating a church were initiated by those Catholic believers who worked for the South Manchuria Railway Co.
At the beginning of 20th century, there were about 23,000 Catholic believers, 55 churches and chapels, representatives of such monastic orders, social and educational institutions (e.g. orphanages, schools and a seminary, college).
Today there are 130 Catholic believers from 23 nations living on the Faroe Islands.
Well over half of them are Catholic believers, the Cardinal said.
"His work is absolutely critical to Catholic believers specifically, and to religious freedom in general."
Catholic believers, both lay and clergy alike, had a desire for active social and political engagement in order to deal with acute social problems according to Catholic Christian principles, as opposed to a purely secular approach.
She sought to explain this by saying: "I can write about Protestant believers better than Catholic believers - because they express their belief in diverse kinds of dramatic action which is obvious enough for me to catch.
St. Theresa expressed her soul and described her days with an intimacy that makes her a thoroughly modern Catholic believer.
Both Communist leaders and Catholic believers often viewed the church as a focal point of resistance to Communism and, in nations like Poland and Hungary, also to Soviet domination.