And in 1841, the first Catholic baptism was performed in Memphis at the Magevney homestead.
These were the first recorded Catholic baptisms in Wood County.
At some point, his family was forced into a Catholic baptism, however, they had re-assumed their Jewish identity by the time of Milan's life.
Lou Ann hadn't yet broken the news that, when the baby was born, the plan was to give it a Catholic baptism.
In addition, Anabaptists rejected all Roman Catholic baptism as invalid.
The first Catholic baptism was performed in 1863 on one adult and three children, and several other occurred soon after.
Uncles and Aunts are considered important in modern Irish culture and are usually chosen to be godfather or godmother of children during Catholic baptism.
Jeanne was a strict mother, allowed her children few liberties, and gave them a Protestant education (despite their Catholic baptism).
The senses had truly become sanctified; as they are blessed one by one at a Catholic baptism.
He had learned the trade from a bomoh called "Uncle Willie" and prayed to gods of various religions despite his Catholic baptism.