In Catalan popular culture, there are a large number of legends about witches.
Ventura died in 1875 in Figueres, leaving his mark on Catalan musical culture.
These were no ordinary ceremonies, with their careful blend of Spanish and Catalan cultures.
The population increased; Catalan culture expanded into the islands of the Western Mediterranean.
Along with political and economic success, Catalan culture flourished in the 13th and 14th centuries.
The medieval heyday of Catalan culture would not last, however.
They wanted to distance themselves from the Spanish problems by creating a new ontology rooted in Catalan culture, language and world view.
Castells are one of the main manifestations of Catalan popular culture.
And Barcelona in 1992 wanted to show what Catalan culture could produce.
However, it has given a significant and easily identifiable contribution to the conglomerate of Catalan culture.