The couple's home in Essex, Castle House, is now a Munnings museum.
As a preliminary to their blockbuster, Castle Houses had arranged the awards dinner and subsidised the tickets so that more or less everyone could afford them.
Mystery at Castle House is a 1982 Australian film for children.
In 1962, this moved to a new site named "Castle House", in tribute to the site of the old store.
All three of the former Society's department stores, including Castle House, were closed in 2008.
Great Castle House is one of 24 blue plaque buildings on the Monmouth Heritage Trail.
The oldest house in the village is Castle House which contains a marriage lintel dated 1683.
When completed, Castle House was warmly received.
It was called Hethuis, "Castle House," in honor of itsand the family'smedieval heritage.
From 1970 to 1973 Young worked on The Castle House, his last completed design.