The danger was that after nine or ten days of interro- gation the black man might be beyond freedom: 'Case No. 51.
Case No. 84-1068 was argued on December 6, 1984 resulting in affirmation of the lower court ruling.
Case No. 1: 28 year-old male with a chief complaint of fits of anger for not apparent reason.
Case No. 6: 2 year-old boy fell off a platform striking his head.
Case No. 8: 40 year-old woman sustained crushing compound fracture of two fingers in an automobile accident.
Case No. 10: 37 year-old woman with painful, persistent right ovarian cyst about 4cm size.
Case No. 11: 21 year-old college student, constitutionally Nat.
Case No. 12: 15 year-old girl with a chief complaint of warts on the hand.
Finding probable cause, the complaint would be filed as Criminal Case No. 26558.
Case No. 92-79073 has become known as the Dumpster Baby.