Carter led the team with 38 receptions this season, the same as last year, but hardly staggering.
Carter led all scorers with 31 points, but he shot just 36.4 percent from the field.
He went out and Carter turned and led the way up the stairs.
Carter nodded, and led the lawyer upstairs to the study.
In his first year as head coach, Carter led his team to the playoffs.
Carter leads the league in minutes spent writhing on the floor.
Carter led the Nets with 25 points, but hit only 7 of 19 shots and his play was erratic.
Carter led the Nets (2-2) with 32 points and shot 14 of 21 from the field.
Carter led the way, routinely scoring 30 points a game.
The teams were still tied in the bottom of the ninth when Carter led with a walk.