When the show was hitting its peak in popularity, Carter created a spin off to the series, entitled Millennium which aired from 1996-1999.
Carter created the vast majority of the patterns that decorate Poole Pottery during the 1920s and 30's.
Soon after, Carter created a special White House task force to investigate the claims.
So Carter created the idea of the new millennium, which could give the show its own "feel".
Early in the second quarter, Carter created one of his signature moments on the game.
Carter creates a bird and summons a butter knife while trying to summon a sword.
Carter created the role specifically for the actor.
While promoting the episode, Carter said it would give many long-waited answers but create new ones.
Carter had literally created that determination by extracting a promise Will didn't dare break.
Carter had just created a stir by acknowledging that, hardly perfect, he had experienced lust in his heart.