The "manufactured weather" ventilation system, designed by Carrier Corporation, was completed in 1929.
In 1935 he joined the Carrier Corporation as vice president and general manager.
In 2007, the Carrier Corporation had sales of more than $15 billion and employed some 45,000 people.
But the thermostat, developed with the Carrier Corporation, has a more subtle impact on the household.
His mother is an accountant in Syracuse with the Carrier Corporation.
The Carrier Corporation built the new plant in Mexico as a green building.
The total construction cost was $26.85 million, including a $2.75 million naming gift from the Carrier Corporation.
Her father retired as a vice president of the Carrier Corporation.
Some, like the Carrier Corporation, are calling for more equal standards.
Carrier Corporation, the air-conditioner company, was generous and civic-minded.