In the late Carolingian age Asti was ruled directly by his bishops, who were the main landlords of the area.
Agricultural output began to increase in the Carolingian age as a result of the arrival of new crops, improvements in agricultural production, and good weather conditions.
The High Middle Ages saw a continuation of the agricultural boom of the Carolingian age.
In the Carolingian age, it may have formed the westernmost extent of non-Basque settlement in the Pyrenees.
Through the Church, the Carolingian age legislated in enormous detail on every aspect of conduct, especially on economic, family and sexual relationships.
The Carolingian age itself was a comparatively brief episode of order between repeated breakdowns in society.
We are right to regard the total Christianity of the Carolingian age as one of the great formative phases of human history.
It was entirely rubuilt during the 9th century, during the Carolingian age.
"Bosonids" produced counts, dukes, bishops, and knights during the Carolingian age.
It is almost certain that a text which survived to the Carolingian age survives still.