In 1940-41, he held a Carnegie Fellowship to complete his thesis while working independently.
Thanks to a Carnegie Fellowship, he studied at the Institut d'Art et d'Archèologie (Paris) in the summer of 1937.
He earned a Carnegie Fellowship to study at the University of Vienna from 1932 to 193.
Carnegie Fellowship recipient (1933)
Then a Carnegie Fellowship made it possible to write full time.
In 1907 she was awarded a Carnegie Fellowship and moved to Ceylon to study trypanosome infections in reptiles.
He had finished his MA at the University of Queensland and had received a Carnegie Fellowship to study in England.
Following an award of a Carnegie Fellowship he went to the University of Leipzig to study under Arthur Rudolf Hantzsch.
She is also a poet, award-winning translator, and a recipient of the Carnegie Fellowship and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
He was awarded a Carnegie Fellowship in Medicine in 1947.