From 1967 to 1973, he was a member of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
One in particular(from the not-for-profit Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government) offers a clear way out.
After his dismissal in 1967, he became chairman and executive director of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
A member of the Carnegie Commission on Educational Television 1966-67.
She also served on the Carnegie Commission.
Still, the Carnegie Commission would go further, transforming Darpa into a much more diverse agency.
The Carnegie Commission led to the creation of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
In 1963 Smith served as an associate director for the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
In 1984, the Corporation established the Carnegie Commission on Education and the Economy.
It was estimated that by century's end, as many as 85% of American college students lived off campus (Carnegie Commission).