The Carmel River drains the area of Carmel Valley.
Since the dams construction in 1921, the Carmel River has suffered from accelerated erosion, and the once vibrant steelhead trout run has dramatically decreased.
In another project, students restored wetlands around the Carmel River.
The Carmel River drains a watershed of about 255 square miles (660 km2).
The Carmel River has two dams, with their reservoirs used for drinking water and having severe sediment buildup.
Why we can get them right up Carmel River.
Surface water flows into the Carmel River, which parallels State Route 68.
The grant was located south of Monterey on the south bank of the Carmel River.
County Route G16 runs through the valley, and the Carmel River flows down the valley.
The water authority there proposed, instead, a new dam on the Carmel River, but that plan has met with even more opposition.