The Cardinals continued to play well in the month of May, but injuries began to accumulate.
Center again on Saturday when Memphis comes to town, and the Cardinals are continuing to get some bodies back as non-conference play winds down.
The Cardinals continued to own Arizona this year.
"As always," continues the Cardinal, "you will report to both the Church and the military authorities."
The Cardinal continued to write numerous scientific and astronomical works, the best known of which is Nei cieli.
John Paul said the Cardinal had then "continued in service with his customary zeal and fortitude of mind."
The Cardinals, still in the race five games behind the Phillies, continue to build around a nucleus of young talent to assure competitiveness.
The Cardinals continued to languish with limited financial resources.
The Cardinals won 23-17 and continued their 15-game home winning streak.
Cardinals, even those who were bishops, continued to use the title of Eminence.