Marshall states that the Captain "hates that he loves" the Jonas Brothers.
He remembered how the Captain hated anyone adding 'I think so' to a statement.
And with a contemptuous chuckle, she said, "Captain I hate to inform you but I broke it off.
It's easy to see why the Captain hates Laura.
After all, he could hardly begin a conversation with, "Do you and the Captain still hate each other's guts, Commander?"
Captain, I hate to ask, but I need you.
Captain, I hate to tell you this, but if he was going to kill me, the hostage wouldn't have made any difference.
Captains hated sealed orders which were to be opened at a certain position, or on a certain date.
Captain, in a way I hate to have to say this.
"Captain, I hate to say this, but I don't feel very powerful at all," Modra said worriedly.