Mills then walked Candy Maldonado on four pitches to load the bases.
Candy Maldonado fetched the first by hitting a sacrifice fly to right.
Candy Maldonado led off with a double to right and scored on Litton's single.
Candy Maldonado hit his first two home runs of the season for the Giants.
One out later, Candy Maldonado walked, loading the bases.
Candy Maldonado, another pinch-hitter, struck out to put him in a familiar situation.
"That one happened at 6:42 in the morning, you always remember the time," Candy Maldonado said.
With one out in the seventh, Candy Maldonado singled.
Candy Maldonado ripped one ball that only the center-field cameraman could have caught.
With one out, Candy Maldonado was hit by a pitch.