Advocates of a Canadian-style system of national health insurance were often among the most impassioned participants in this debate.
Does this mean that the American way is wrong, and that we should switch to a Canadian-style single-payer system?
In addition to a version of President Clinton's plan, the committee also approved a bill that would create a Canadian-style single-payer system.
This is sometimes described as a Canadian-style system, which sounds much more appealing, as though it were the Molson ale of health care.
The association is not supporting Proposition 186 but is studying the general concept of a Canadian-style system as well as other alternatives, she said.
But the advocates of a Canadian-style system, in which the government pays nearly all medical bills, have already demonstrated substantial support at the grass roots.
He would much prefer a Canadian-style system, in which immigrant preferences were largely determined by a formula based on education and assets.
A nice, tidy, rational, sensible, humane Canadian-style system is not a possibility.
"We know the Canadian-style system doesn't work," Mr. Moley said.
IN the debate over paying for health care, all sides have been adding up the costs of adopting a Canadian-style system.