The politicians know, the media knows, but the Canadian voters are left in the dark and that's a backwards way of doing things.
To what degree do political activities influence young Canadian voters?
What they don't see is how precarious political support for this alternative utopia has become among Canadian voters in recent years.
Last month most Canadian voters backed candidates who opposed the free-trade agreement.
It was only one of many twists of character precisely carried off so Canadian voters could identify with him.
Polling data in the last few years have consistently cited medicare as among the most important political issues in the minds of Canadian voters.
That position has picked up votes from Quebecers who still hope for the kind of constitutional solution rejected by Canadian voters in the past.
Even with such a compact campaign, Canadian voters had trouble focusing on the messages of five major parties, and seemed eager for the whole process to end.
Canadian voters would return to the issue of free trade 20 years later during the 1911 federal election.
Within a year, depression had indeed arrived, and Canadian voters had dismissed Mackenzie King.