Missakabo, Mikhael (2008) Footprints and paradoxes of Canadian mining in the DRC.
The DI was founded on the belief that the Canadian mining and NGO presence in emerging markets can be a force for positive change.
For example, the Canadian mining company Inter-Citic's Dachang gold prospect is in either a buffer or experimental zone (or both).
New Hilarity Inc., formed in the 1930's by speculators in Canadian mining, was for many years a corporate shell, complying with over-the-counter listing requirements in case its assets ever developed some value.
The Novelis company was spun-off from Canadian mining and aluminum manufacturer, Alcan Inc. and incorporated in 2005.
They include the Canadian mining companies Noranda and Inco and the platinum producer Lonmin.
In 2004, Goldcorp, a Canadian- owned mining corporation based in Vancouver, British Columbia, began construction of Marlin Mine.
In terms of foreign exposure, more than half the fund's assets are in Canadian mining and exploration companies, with just 25 percent in the United States.
In July 1992, she married Conrad Black (who was granted, in 2001, a life peerage as Lord Black of Crossharbour), a Canadian mining and media baron.
The DRC ranked either first or second-largest among African countries for Canadian mining at the end of the 2000s.