The 3rd Canadian import to play in the league.
Research shows that restrictions on Canadian imports are like a $1,000 tax on each home built in America.
Beef prices reached record highs last year, helped by the restriction of Canadian imports.
Asia's market share (the proportion of Canadian imports) in Canada accounts for 19.2%.
Getting the pinfeathers out is murder, and cheap Canadian imports made it hard for a while to earn a profit.
In a league dominated by a restricted number of Canadian imports, home grown talent is craved like gold.
But actual Canadian imports from the United Kingdom were then running at just under $500 millions.
Attention is expected to focus on farm products, automobiles, steel and wine, the principal Canadian imports.
Canadian imports from Cyprus grew in 2005 and were worth $17.8 million.
These crunchy, substantial Canadian imports do have a small amount of trans fat, but far less than other crackers.