Beyond the loss of quota rights as an asset, the impact that ending the system would have on Canadian farmers is less clear.
"He's competing with a Canadian farmer five or six miles away who doesn't have any of this," he said.
Canadian farmers received a record $36.3 billion in 2001 from livestock, crop sales and program payments.
Some people thought that he was dangerous and might end up killing Canadian farmers.
Canada could not hope to match these subsidies and they would serve to put Canadian farmers at a competitive imbalance in world markets.
Canadian farmers were thus worried about a Kennedy victory.
Canadian farmers, too, are finding that the Kiko is well suited to cold.
The capacity would be needed, as Canadian farmers increased production during the First World War.
Maurin gazed thoughtfully on the door that had closed behind the pseudo Canadian farmer.
I read somewhere that in 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting advertising space on his cows.