Barbara Godard (1942 - May 16, 2010) was a Canadian critic, translator, editor, and academic.
In recent years Canadian literary critics have been asking why so many Canadian fiction writers confine themselves to provincial, even small-town themes.
Cohen responded to the book's acceptance with a parodic six-page letter anticipating the response of offended Canadian critics.
Carl Wilson is a Canadian cultural critic.
She decided to write her memoir after a Canadian critic gave an unfavourable review to one of her books, implying that she clearly knew nothing about poverty.
Canadian cultural critics have noted that the late 1970s were a lesser era for Canadian music.
Upon its release, The Art of Woo was "slashed" by Canadian critics.
Keith Garebian (born 1943) is a Canadian critic, editor, biographer, and poet.
The miniseries received mixed reviews from Canadian critics.
Her rejection of modernism in style and attitude made her the darling of conservative Canadian critics.