A famous Canadian couple sang a duet in a bar furnished like 1928 America.
In 1956, he bought rights from a Canadian couple who approached him with a concept of a game that they played on their yacht.
Last week, she said, a Canadian couple felt compelled to tell her how much they loved the multicolored purples (as well as their life story).
The program's sadistic policy does not change however, as they then show an arachnophobic Canadian couple being showered with scorpions.
That is higher than anything ever recorded in tournament play, although a young Canadian couple once reported 87.3 percent in a club game.
He congratulated the judges who chose the Canadian couple and treated us as dishonest.
It consisted of four Americans and a Canadian couple.
Seven crazy Canadian couples, including my old buddy, who's needlepointing your throat at the moment.
They booed the marks given to the Canadian couple.