The Canadian contribution will be repaid from bridge tolls, although to date no study has shown toll revenue forecasts.
He is the editor and co-author of Readings in general psychology: Canadian contributions (1970), and has published over sixty articles in various journals.
The identity and extent of the Canadian military contribution and the nature of its partipication, if any, are unknown.
Korea has often been described as "The Forgotten War", because for most Canadians it is overshadowed by the Canadian contributions to the two world wars.
Once again Canada found itself at war before her neighbors, however even Canadian contributions were slight before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Japan contributed Aster to the mix, and Mopitt is a Canadian contribution.
Since then, Canadian contributions have been limited to a 100 police officers and a small number of liaison officers.
Good Canadian contributions.
The two rightmost monument describe the Canadian contribution to the Korean war.
The Canadian contribution is usually noted in passing, but rarely that of the 46th Division.