Sammy Paré was a 10 year old Canadian boy whose genetic mutation caused him to physically resemble a fish.
Thousands of Canadian boys came to Camrose to receive their basic training.
Against medical advice he went on to perform as scheduled, after which he was given a Gideon Bible by a Canadian boy.
These were just nice-looking Canadian boys with a slightly demented worldview.
The Canadian boys were taken to Brooklyn and saw Jackie Robinson play; this was 1949.
"So, in the locker room, he is just back to being a good old Canadian boy."
"When I first knew him, I didn't want anything to do with an athlete, especially some chubby Canadian boy who played hockey," she said.
Good Canadian boys that many of them are, they speak humbly now of conciliation and working for the labor-management "partnership."
The Canadian boy pointed at me.
Milo Powell is an ordinary young Canadian boy until a kid is in trouble.