Displayed is a collection of Canadian military aircraft, many in flying condition.
On Friday, flying two similar missions, the Canadian aircraft returned without loss again.
A swarm of American and Canadian aircraft had been divided into two teams.
This allows them to fly Canadian registered aircraft in Canada.
The mission, on Thursday, ended with the Canadian aircraft returning safely.
The Silver Dart was the first designed Canadian aircraft to fly.
She was sunk by a Canadian aircraft, west of Trondheim, in June 1944.
The spotters on that plane, a Canadian aircraft, reported seeing some of the crew in life rafts and others clinging to floating debris.
She was on her first patrol when she was sunk by a Canadian aircraft in April 1944.
The Canadian aircraft and train maker Bombardier said it planned to lay off 2,200 employees, bringing the total of recently announced job cuts to 7,600.