He died of cancer in his Cambridge home aged 88.
The wallingford buy who'd steered Cambridge home was carried shoulder high.
Mildred was found dead in her Cambridge home on October 15, 2010 at the age of 84.
They married on July 11, 1877 in the Cambridge home of her parents, when she was 19, more than 10 years Bell's junior.
His Cambridge home became a place of pilgrimage for many players and scholars.
The two actors set up Pearl Street, a production company named after the street that ran between their Cambridge homes.
He became very fond of this Cambridge home, where, with few absences, he spent the remainder of his life.
He died at the Cambridge home of his daughter after a brief illness in 1936.
She was always ready to provide free room and board at her Cambridge home to a needy student.
He died at his Cambridge home after suffering a prolonged illness.