The preparation for the Cambridge International Examinations starts during this period.
This subject is included in the University of Cambridge International Examinations.
The school is a recognised Cambridge International Examination attached centre, providing a high quality education to all students.
The secondary school is officially registered with the Cambridge International Examinations.
Preparation for Cambridge International Examinations is also offered by a few schools but is less popular.
Cambridge International Examinations: These examinations has been offered at the school since 2004, and are available to students who meet academic prerequisites.
The School is under University of Cambridge International Examinations .
Pakistani private schools also operate a parallel secondary education system based on the curriculum set and administered by the Cambridge International Examinations.
Cambridge International Examinations for middle year schooling programs for the student of 6th to 10th standard.
It even have the examination centre status for the above in Grades 8,9 and 10 co-ordinated by Cambridge International Examinations.