He himself describes an effort in a new section of Site 2 to recreate 18 Cambodian villages.
Chhong Khenis currently consists of five Cambodian "villages" and two Vietnamese.
Most Cambodian villages have a primary school but they are not complete and do not offer a full 1-6 grade curriculum.
Before it was uprooted by war, San Ro was a cohesive Cambodian village, relief officials say.
Fighting escalated in early February 2011, when Thai forces allegedly used banned cluster munitions against Cambodian villages.
But in a Cambodian village, nobody listens to an uneducated teenage girl.
It could be 15 years before some Cambodian villages are inspected.
The institute is helping to revive traditional weaving in Cambodian villages.
A12 Kandol Journal: Fighting blindness in a Cambodian village.
"It was a nice, traditional Cambodian village," Mr. Krisher said.