Disease was rampant and in 1976 it was estimated that 80% of the Cambodian population suffered from malaria.
"In the end, efforts to intimidate sections of the Cambodian population appear not to have significantly influenced the climate of polling day itself."
Fears of violence have nearly paralyzed the city's Cambodian population of about 45,000, the largest in America.
Nearly half the Cambodian population is under 15, meaning that they have no memory of the terror that destroyed the society.
There is also a growing Cambodian population concentrated in the Jane and Finch community.
The civil war and subsequent genocide markedly affected the Cambodian population; 50% of the population is younger than 22 years old.
In the Cambodian population over 65, the female to male ratio is 1.6:1.
Extensive hunting for traditional medicines is currently putting severe pressure on Cambodian populations.
The Cambodian population is 90% Buddhist and names are often taken from Buddhism.
In the elections the Cambodian population showed greater political and democratic maturity than was demonstrated by the country's leading political forces.