During its existence, the station served local industry as well as the Calvary Cemetery.
As we later discover, we had been taken to the Calvary Cemetery.
He died just two months after his term of office expired at age 64, and was buried in Calvary Cemetery.
He is buried in Calvary Cemetery today, along with other members of his family.
As of the 1990s Calvary Cemetery held nearly three million graves.
On 1 April 1863 he died very suddenly and was buried in Calvary Cemetery.
As of 2001, 146,301 entombments have been recorded at Calvary Cemetery.
Calvary Cemetery is a fairly common name for a burial ground and may refer to:
She died there on July 6, 1925 and was buried in Calvary Cemetery.
"I did some research and discovered the remains of the people were removed to Calvary Cemetery in 1909."