He lobbied, in Arizona and Washington, for a number of clients, including two California savings and loan associations.
At some of the big California savings and loans, worries about earnings have kept the stocks from getting into gear along with the rest of the industry.
The move comes less than two months after regulators began the $1.3 billion liquidation of two other California savings and loans, the industry's largest depositor payout.
Experts place the cost of bailing out the failed California savings and loan association at about $2 billion, making it the most expensive bailout.
Analysts said they had expected Glenfed's moves, which follow similar changes at banks and several other large California savings and loans.
Several California savings and loan associations are trying to sell their properties to comply with new Government regulations.
Many California savings and loan industry executives have been pushing for a plan to liquidate Financial Corporation as soon as possible.
Losses at the California savings and loan are expected to total more than $2 billion, making it possibly the costliest savings bailout on record.
The Financial Corporation of America, the troubled $30 billion California savings and loan, heads his list.
I've worked hard for California savings and loans.