Dave Potter is a California politician, having served at the state, county, and city levels.
California politicians said they worried that even if the price caps were carried out as promised, relief would be too limited.
Some California politicians are skeptical that the supply shortage can be alleviated within two weeks.
More than 35 years ago, California politicians began lobbying for a huge dam on the American River 130 miles east of here.
California politicians are now backing away from the state's plan to deregulate its power industry fully by 2002.
Buoyed by a revived economy, California politicians have, like their national counterparts, put education on the front burner.
California politicians are used to relying on television for campaigning, because the state is so big and diverse.
You would not believe how happy the California politicians think this is going to make them.
California politicians shrink from proposals to charge motorists for road use the way entrepreneurs would.
California politicians are also upset, because they say that the assurances do not guarantee that the jobs will stay in the area.