Brewers Droop began as a Cajun band and progressed to what is recorded on the disc.
Michael Doucet is the founder of Beausoleil, a pre-eminent Cajun band.
The Web site for the wedding promised a Cajun band and dancing lessons.
Expect a crowd on Friday nights when there's a live Cajun band and dancing.
Though they managed to complete a polished performance, producer Daniel Lanois suggested something more ambitious with a Cajun band.
The Pine Leaf Boys are an "international Cajun band," performing many shows each year in Europe.
Wanting to trace that intoxicating Z music back to its roots, I go looking for a Cajun band.
The Cajun band is mostly white.
He plays with a Cajun band, which features fiddles, the triangle, and the accordion.
Ah, there goes the Cajun band and the other bands and our boys singing our great tune!