We are also called upon to perform command and staff functions within the Cadet Wing.
In 1984, the Cadet Wing voted to add an "Honor Oath," which was to be taken by all cadets.
Those that passed were given Cadet Wings and were promoted to Pilot School.
The formation is reversed at the spring's graduation parade, when the soon-to-be commissioned first-class cadets (seniors) leave the Cadet Wing in the flying wedge formation.
The female cadets were initially segregated from the rest of the Cadet Wing but were fully integrated into their assigned squadrons after their first semester.
Many of the women from those early classes went on to achieve success within the Cadet Wing and after graduation (see list of Academy graduates below).
The student body of the Academy is known as the Cadet Wing.
The Cadet Wing is divided into four groups, of ten cadet squadrons each.
The undergraduate student body, known as the Cadet Wing, was sub-divided into four smaller groupings called squadrons, under the guidance and supervision of senior cadets.
This is the reverse of the acceptance parade, held each fall, when the new fourth-class cadets (freshmen) join the Cadet Wing in the inverted wedge formation.