As a cadet colonel and Corp Commander in both institution, he continued this interest after schooling.
You know he wound up as cadet colonel, in charge of all four of our cadres?
Since the band is part of the Corps, it has its own unit commander, a Cadet Colonel.
There have been three female cadet colonels, the highest rank any cadet can receive in the organization, since 1986.
And since then, as a cadet colonel, I've learned a lot about confidence and how you respond when someone below you is misbehaving.
Each wing is headed by a Cadet Colonel and has subsequent groups, squadrons, and flights.
The cadet colonel and Second Lieutenant Felter marched up onto the low reviewing stand after the adjutant.
Every year, a member of the senior class is selected as the "Cadet Colonel" for the year, a terrific and commendable achievement for that student.
He attained the rank of cadet colonel in the Reserve Officers Training Corpsat the University.
But while the HMA Corps of Cadets has remained as a single battalion since 1971, its commander is still a cadet colonel.