In November 2005, the ICAC was asked to investigate allegations that sensitive Cabinet documents were leaked to the Cross City Tunnel operator during negotiations.
Policy papers, Cabinet documents and State papers are sent to her in 'red boxes' and, where necessary, she signs and approves them.
Following the First World War, stricter rules were put in place regarding Cabinet documents.
However, the extent of the Legislative Council's power in relation to Cabinet documents remains unclear.
It is unclear whether this - amending a Cabinet document without Cabinet approval - was an honest blunder on Seely's part or whether he was encouraged to do so and then made a scapegoat.
Cabinet documents are held separately from other documents, and may be destroyed once no longer in use, or when a change of government occurs.
Cabinet documents from 1981 reveal that Margaret Thatcher agreed to allow Lord Heseltine to visit Liverpool in the wake of the Toxteth riots despite the Treasury calling for her to "abandon" the city.
The Schedule to the Act covers "Cabinet documents, records of decisions and deliberations including those of Cabinet committees", as well as similar documents for state executive councils.
According to leaked Cabinet documents, planned compensation would total £135 million, although the farms were currently valued at £850 million, and the proposal was inevitably seen as posing a threat to the position of the country's white farming community.
Cabinet documents reveal 'new social threat'