Also required are CPU type, operating system and cracktype.
The available CPU types, the amount of RAM and GFX capabilities depends on the model or sub-model variation.
In theory, this eliminates the need to distribute different executable files for different platforms and CPU types.
Cross-platform virtualization is also complementary to server virtualization and desktop virtualization solutions, since these are typically constrained to a single CPU type, such as x86 or POWER.
Users can compare Benchmark (computing) results for their CPU type and also view the top and bottom 100 processor benchmarks.
DRYOS has a 16 kilobytes kernel module at its core and is currently compatible with more than 10 CPU types.
There is one form of portability problem though, and that is the fact that the standard makes it clear that a program should run on different CPU types.
The products cost $750 to $3,000 depending on CPU type; all out now.
Their syntax is similar, for example the following dialog to find out your CPU type would be possible with all of them:
It occurs as a side-effect of kernel timer calibration and yields highly varying values depending on CPU type, even at equal clock speeds.