A signal from a peripheral device would reset this latch, resuming CPU operation.
One of the primary routes to hacking these early copy protections was to run a program that simulates the normal CPU operation.
RAM accesses and CPU operations are "free."
Two characteristics of the 'C4x that contribute to its high performance are pipelining and concurrent I/O and CPU operation.
Storing the information from which an inferred clause can be constructed require almost no additional CPU operations.
In the other CPU modes, certain restrictions on CPU operations are enforced by the hardware.
In reality the i487SX chip was a full i486 chip that completely disabled the original i486SX chip and took over all CPU operations for the board.
Cache reads are the most common CPU operation that takes more than a single cycle.
When installed into an i486SX system, the i487 disabled the main CPU and took over all CPU operations.
Some systems provide redundant CPU operation for ultra-high-reliability control, as used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, for example.