Then, walking out of the CNN studio and into the soft sunshine, he added that it was nonetheless time to unwind.
They were sitting at a CNN studio here waiting to go on "Larry King Live."
They were responsible for shoehorning two CNN studios into the Time & Life Building, working with Guy Pepper of CNN.
Cut to CNN studio for talking head opinion: talking head reports breaking news of a plan to kill ambassador in a restaurant with a bomb!
She maintains a small apartment a half mile from the CNN studio.
During her March 31, 2009 appearance on Larry King Live "dozens of emails flooded the CNN studio" with offers for replacement kidneys.
On June 20, 2009, Amanpour was a guest host for Larry King Live, broadcast live from the CNN studio in London.
He told me a videotaped message, reportedly from Jack and Jill, had been delivered to the CNN studios.
"We showed Mr. Perot for what he is tonight," Mr. Kantor told reporters at the CNN studio in Northeast Washington.
She was taken on for an internship at CNN studios in London, and trained with the BBC as a Broadcast Journalist.