Colombia, Patricia Janiot, is now a CNN commentator.
"The slogan back then was 'Never trust anyone over 30,' " recalled Jeff Greenfield, the CNN commentator, who is 63.
Afterward, CNN commentators referred to those predictions as optimism.
Iraq was being destroyed while a CNN commentator excitedly described it as 'fireworks on the 4th of July'.
Jack Cafferty (born 1942), CNN commentator and host.
He became nationally known as a CNN commentator on naval aircraft in the run-up to the Persian Gulf War.
Or as William Schneider, a CNN commentator and a longtime public opinion analyst, put it: "Look, if you don't call it marriage, you'll get more support."
"He seems to be a trustworthy guy, a trustworthy source of information," said Jeff Greenfield, a CNN commentator.
Mr. Begala, who said he would remain a CNN commentator, said he was delighted with the changes.
Jack Cafferty (born December 14, 1942) is a former CNN commentator and occasional host of specials.