Ataç too has been labeled a CIA asset.
Ames could have faced the death penalty because his betrayal had resulted in the deaths of a number of CIA assets.
Lindauer later claimed that she had been a CIA asset during this period.
(2012) - An invaluable CIA asset has gone missing, and with him, secrets that in the wrong hands could prove disastrous.
In other words, CIA assets in the media were being used to persuade the public of Oswald's guilt.
Plucked from obscurity by US intelligence and groomed into a CIA asset over three decades, the general took no chances.
He became a formal CIA asset in 1966 or 1967.
According to documents, Posada stopped being a CIA asset in 1974, but there remained "occasional contact" until June 1976, a few months before the bombing.
Noriega had long been considered an important CIA asset before he joined forces with drug traffickers and was implicated in the death of a political opponent.
Ha ha, she calls herself a "senior CIA asset" nowadays?